OSP News

Become a Michigan Diabetes Prevention Program Provider

Posted: 10/11/2023

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) released Bulletin MMP 23-33, which provides an overview on the Michigan Diabetes Prevention Program (MiDPP).

The MiDPP is a Medicaid preventive benefit that takes a behavioral modification approach to preventing or delaying Type 2 diabetes. According to MDHHS, the MiDPP is projected to help reduce the risk of developing diabetes for nearly 580,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in Michigan.

Health care providers interested in joining the program must meet the following criteria to become a MiDPP provider:

  • Must have preliminary, full or full plus recognition from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program
  • Complete a MiDPP pre-enrollment form and contact the MDHHS Diabetes and Kidney Unit at MDHHS-Medicaid-DPP@michigan.gov
  • Enroll with the Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System

Additional resources are located on the MiDPP website and review is recommended prior to beginning the application process.

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